Curriculum Vitae

Personal details

        Michaël Willemot
        2640 Mortsel
        +32 (0) 486  61 40 34


Professional experiences

Conferences & Courses

January 2007 - present, independent software developer
Developing custom software-projects for clients.
August 2005 - 2013, SD Worx
Agile developer at SD Worx in a scrum team.
Development of batch processes, web- & winforms applications in C# .NET 1.1, 2.0 & 3.5, build & deploy using msbuild, TFS, NUnit, ASP.NET, Mvc, jquery, Winforms, MS Reporting Services, XML, DB2, MS SQL Server
June 2005, Elit
Asp.NET 1.1, C#
Apprenticeship at Elit, a company specialized in supply chain managment.
Migration of a centralized solution that deals with the handling of lost or broken goods, from ASP to ASP.NET
Summer 2004
Php, MySql
Development of a module in Seagull, an open source MVC Framework for PHP.
2003-2004, Karel de Grote Hogeschool
Win- and webforms, VB.Net 1.1, chrystal reports In a team of four. Analysis and development of an administration tool for input and registration of students' choices.
December 2003, sports-media
Analysis and Development of the léger web test, a web-applicatoin for a sports federation. The application lets users enter their personal results of a Shuttle Run Test into a webform and shows a graphical output and an interpretation of the results.
February 2003, ITxx
PHP and PostGreSQL
Development of an intranet helpdesk-administration solution
December, 2002
PHP, MySql
Launch of my personal website, a site maintainable online using its administration interface.
May, June 2001, apprenticeship at Instromet International Essen
VB6.0, Outlook programming, ASP, MS Sql
Apprenticeship and student job: helpdesk/administrator and development of helpdesk software. Asp web-frontend and MS Outlook plugin for synchronisation with administrator's calendar. This project has been chosen to be the best of the year and I've been rewarded with the first price.
Summer 1999, 2000, student work
One month as tester and packager in a factory that produces computerdisplays and projectors, one month as a dispatcher in a wholesaler


IUT Aix-en-Provence
DUT informatique
Karel De Grote Hogeschool Antwerpen
Computer Sciences (Toegepaste Informatica)
Sint-Lodewijk - Antwerp
Computer Sciences (Informaticabeheer)

Image of a pencil.
